218: Mastering HR: Recruiting and Leading Effectively with Vicky Brown

January 21, 2025
218: Mastering HR: Recruiting and Leading Effectively with Vicky Brown

The Business of Meetings – Episode 218 – Mastering HR: Recruiting and Leading Effectively with Vicky Brown

We are delighted to have Vicky Brown joining us today.

Vicky is the founder of Idomeneo Enterprises. She is an HR expert with many years of experience and was formerly an opera singer. She has enjoyed a fantastic career in the HR field, and she joins us today to dive into effective team building and explore tactical considerations for payroll management and legal compliance. She also shares key obstacles to anticipate and speaks about her experience as an opera singer.

Stay tuned for Vicky’s wealth of HR knowledge and expertise.

Vicky’s Journey toward Specialization

Vicky began her career studying music at the Conservatoire de Paris and later transitioned to the business world. Working for HBO, she was drawn into human resources, where she began as an executive assistant, tasked with HR responsibilities due to the unique employment laws in California. She learned HR under the guidance of a labor attorney and is now an HR specialist, with her company named after her favorite opera.

Vicky’s Opera Background

Vicky, a lyric soprano, sang in operas with renowned figures like Carreras, Domingo, and Pavarotti during the World Cup ’98 in Los Angeles.

Building and Leading a Team

Vicky emphasizes the importance of delegation and hiring the right people. She advises leaders to focus on critical tasks, prepare for interviews, and provide clear job descriptions and training for new hires. She also highlights the need to step back and let team members contribute their unique skills.

Interviewing Tips and Hiring Practices

Acknowledging her struggles with interviewing, Vicky suggests involving others in the initial resume review to filter out candidates. She stresses the importance of asking probing questions, preparing for interviews, and not rushing into hiring decisions and also recommends involving team members in the interview process.

Managing Performance and Termination

Vicky has a three-pronged framework for managing employee performance issues including progressive conversations, formal warnings, and termination as a last resort. She emphasizes the importance of consistency, documentation, and dignity during a termination process.

Handling Employee Termination

For employee termination, Vicky advises keeping the process brief and focused on the main issue, avoiding over-explanation or confrontation. She emphasizes planning for the termination day and including logistics like personal belongings and security for a smooth and respectful transition.

Employment Separation and Long-Term Relationships

In employment separations, it is always best to maintain good terms post-separation. Vicky explains that while most separations result in employees not returning to the company, there are instances where individuals may reappear, especially in industries with frequent interactions like trade shows or meetings.

Prioritizing Dignity and Respect in Business

Dignity is essential for maintaining a positive culture in business, and respecting the dignity of employees is crucial for long-term success. It is up to business leaders to ensure that businesses thrive and their team members stay well and continue growing.

Generational Differences in Work Expectations

Vicky explains that today, employees prioritize organizational values, growth opportunities, and work-life balance. Discussing generational differences in work expectations and the evolving nature of employee needs across different age groups, she highlights the importance of understanding the life stages and aspirations of employees and offering them mentorship and guidance tailored to their circumstances.

Remote Work and Multistate Employment

Regarding remote work and multistate employment, Vicky outlines compliance considerations like state-specific employment laws, payroll requirements, and worker compensation. She stresses the need for clear policies, regular feedback, and performance monitoring without invasive measures like keystroke monitoring. She also highlights how the increased complexity of current leadership requires a more nuanced approach and continuous feedback mechanisms.

Independent Contractors and State Guidelines

Regarding independent contractors, Vicky clarifies that all the states have different guidelines beyond the federal regulations. She notes that California has unique laws regarding independent contractor classification. So, she advises business leaders to adhere to state-specific guidelines when engaging independent contractors.


Vicky’s passion for helping entrepreneurs is rooted in her own entrepreneurial journey. After two decades of leadership roles in the corporate world, Vicky founded her own HR consultancy, Idomeneo Enterprises, in 2001. Faced with countless questions and challenges, Vicky realized how valuable a step-by-step guide would be. From these experiences, she developed a vision to offer comprehensive, accessible HR guidance and educational resources – this vision led to the creation of the Leaders Journey Experience, an education program specifically designed to equip entrepreneurs and business professionals with the tools, guidance, and confidence to navigate the sometimes complex world of HR.

Fun Facts – She is also a #1 best-selling author and a former opera singer.

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Connect with Vicky Brown

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Idomeneo Enterprises

Vicky’s Gift for Listeners: The Ultimate HR Workflow Guide

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