178: Anyone Can Become a Great Salesperson with Ron Hubsher

January 21, 2025
178: Anyone Can Become a Great Salesperson with Ron Hubsher

The Business of Meetings – Episode 178 – Anyone Can Become a Great Salesperson with Ron Hubsher

We invite you to step into the world of sales expertise and negotiation finesse as we delve into the expertise of a true industry pioneer!

Today, we have the distinct privilege of speaking with none other than Ron Hubsher, the visionary behind the field of business-to-business negotiation. Ron is a luminary in his domain. He has authored books on business-to-business negotiation, documented the close of a staggering $600 million deal, and held a distinguished position as a guest lecturer at Harvard University.

As the Founder and President of the esteemed Sales Optimization Group, Ron’s wealth of experience promises an enlightening and transformative discussion on how to become a better closer, and a more adept negotiator.

Brace yourself for an exceptional experience as we unlock the secrets to sales success and explore Ron’s tremendous career! If the notion of sales captivates your spirit, prepare to be enthralled by his brilliant insights!


Ron Hubsher is an internationally acclaimed and recognized sales and negotiation effectiveness expert.

Ron is CEO of the Sales Optimization Group, an international sales and negotiation training and consulting organization. The company assists clients in technology, health services, medical devices, financial services, professional services, business services, and manufacturing accelerated sales by using its patented sales and negotiation methodologies and tools to increase close rates, reduce discounting, accelerate sales, bring opportunities in as forecasted and make sure clients achieve their goals and hit their numbers.

Ron’s Journey in Sales 

Growing up with an entrepreneurial father who constantly sought to improve his selling skills, Ron got drawn into the world of business-to-business negotiation. The influence of his father, combined with inspiration from Dale Carnegie’s timeless book, How to Win Friends and Influence People, sparked his interest in the art and science of selling. From an early age, he read books on sales and ventured into various small businesses, honing his skills as an entrepreneur and sales enthusiast. Having a background in engineering, he approached sales like an engineer, breaking down the process and seeking to manufacture successful outcomes.

Key elements for success in business-to-business sales

Ron explains that keeping things simple and process-driven makes it possible to achieve remarkable results consistently. He outlines three key elements necessary for success in business-to-business sales, including strong listening and questioning skills, a well-crafted opportunity plan, and a robust negotiation plan.

Harnessing Information to Prepare for Sales 

There are advantages and potential challenges presented by the abundance of data on prospects. Ron points out that while having access to information could be empowering, using it effectively depends on the salesperson’s approach. Finding commonalities and demonstrating a genuine interest in prospects’ lives can create meaningful connections, reduce perceived risks, and facilitate successful negotiations.

Virtual Selling 

Virtual platforms, like Zoom and Teams, have advantages and disadvantages in sales interactions. While face-to-face encounters might be more difficult to recreate online, Ron emphasizes the value of intimate virtual meetings, where meaningful connections and focused conversations can still occur. He stresses the importance of using those tools to give the salesperson the advantage of adapting the sales process to make it more effective on virtual platforms.

The Magic of Leveraging Personal Passions in Sales

There is power in finding and leveraging personal passions in sales, as it can foster a deeper level of connection and trust. Ron explains that highlighting his passion for pole vaulting allowed him to connect with potential clients who resonated with his story.

Navigating Challenges and Opportunities when Negotiating on Virtual Platforms

Embracing technology and refining negotiation skills are essential for success in the rapidly evolving landscape of virtual sales. Ron acknowledges that negotiating virtually can present challenges, particularly around reading body language. He emphasizes the importance of active listening and probing questions to gain insights into the needs and concerns of the other party. Practical strategies for addressing these challenges include utilizing one-on-one meetings and adapting negotiation tactics to suit virtual interactions.

The Complexity of Business Mechanics

Business sales negotiations differ from other types of negotiations. In business sales negotiations, one must consider factors like competing sellers, similar products, and spot transactional negotiators that can make the process more intricate. By interviewing successful business salespeople, Ron developed a seven-step process to simplify and repeat the negotiation approach.

The Keys to Being a Successful Negotiator and Closer

Ron emphasizes the importance of having a strong sales effort coupled with a robust negotiation plan when looking at the essential qualities one needs to become a successful negotiator and closer in business-to-business sales negotiations. He points out that a powerful sales effort, which focuses on creating value and reducing business and personal risks for the customer, is crucial. By combining that with a well-thought-out plan, negotiators can capitalize on potential and find success.

Differentiating Business-to-Business Sales Negotiations

Business-to-business sales negotiations require a distinct approach compared to other types of negotiations. Ron mentions three main types of negotiation: conflict/resolution negotiation, spot transactional negotiation, and business-to-business negotiation. He explains that applying conflict/resolution or spot transactional methods to business-to-business negotiations might do more harm than good. Instead, understanding the unique dynamics of business sales negotiations and utilizing a tailored negotiation process can lead to better outcomes.

Establishing Trust and Maintaining Relationships with Customers

To maintain strong relationships with customers after closing a sale, Ron stresses the significance of following up and maintaining communication with customers to reinforce trust and demonstrate value. He explains that successful sales should lead to quantifiable success stories that are worth much more than the price paid by the customer. Delivering substantial results allows businesses to build lifelong relationships with customers and ensure continued success.

Transitioning from Salesperson to Sales Manager

The skill set required for sales management differs from the skill set of a salesperson. While a salesperson should excel in functional sales skills, a sales manager needs to focus on hiring, motivating, handling problems, and removing obstacles for the sales team. Ron advises against assuming that the best salesperson will naturally make the best sales manager and suggests implementing a system to support the success of sales managers.

Recognition and Success at Harvard and in the Industry

Ron attributes the recognition he experienced as a guest lecturer at Harvard and the great opportunities his company received in the industry, to the positive feedback and success stories shared by his satisfied clients.

The Right Approach for Successful Business Sales Negotiations

There are critical differences between various types of negotiations, so it is essential to use the right approach for business-to-business sales negotiations. For long-term success in business sales negotiations, it is crucial to demonstrate a strong sales effort, have a well-planned negotiation approach, and maintain customer relationships.

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Connect with Ron Hubsher

On his website (Sales Optimization Group)

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Call Ron – (650)-520-9849

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